Last Knight of Jarna (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 2
Rander, seeing Rain’s ass exposed, changed positions. He studied the tight, little puckered hole as Zurk moved the panting woman over him. Rander spread her ass cheeks apart, driving his nose in the area and sniffing deeply. Her muskiness was a sweet tartness that made his mouth water. He slicked his tongue around the sensitive flesh of the puckered hole, tasting her residual juices that had leaked from her cunt. Spreading her further, he wiggled his tongue into the enticing slit, hearing Rain’s soft whimpers. It was sweet music to his ears.
* * * *
Rain’s senses were bombarded from all directions as Rander relentlessly mouthed the crease of her ass. She leaned forward on Zurk until her small breasts were touching his muscled chest, exposing her rump to Rander wanting more.
Rain saw that Arran desperately needed a turn as he moved in. Going to his knees, he entwined his fingers in her long blonde hair angling his cock closer to her mouth. She was lost as to how to handle it, yet she instinctively began kissing the head and shaft, licking it all over with her tongue. It was probably painfully obvious to Arran that she never had one of these so close to her mouth before due to the way she was handling him. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice.
“Take it into your mouth, Rain. Open for me,” he commanded.
She did without questioning his plea. Her jaw went slack and the head slipped past her lips. He drove his cock toward her throat until half his shaft disappeared.
Rain wanted to please Arran, but she was oblivious of what to do. The saltiness of his manhood settled over her tongue, and his hips began to gyrate against her mouth. The only way she could breathe was through her nostrils now, and even that was made difficult due to all the strange sounds Zurk was causing her to spontaneously utter.
“Suck me, Rain,” he begged, yanking the back of her skull harder. “Put those beautiful lips around me and suck.”
Now that she knew what he wanted she was more than happy to comply. Allowing his girth to move in and out of her mouth freely, her lips puckered and sealed around the shaft securely. She never knew her mouth could be used for such a thing, to give pleasure to a man in this manner. It was something new, and she enjoyed the throbbing inside her mouth, against her tongue, as his cock pulsated with life. It prompted her to focus her energy on Arran for the time being. Sucking harder, she allowed more of Arran in, the head sinking to the back of her throat. The more she allowed in, the more Arran seemed to enjoy the sensation. She held the base of Arran’s cock firmly in hand, gagging at times, but slobbering over his shaft again and again with determination.
She felt Zurk’s thrusts increase in speed and intensity, his body tensing beneath her. But something else took her by surprise—yet another invasion of her senses. She could feel the pressure building against the sensitive lining of her anus—the head of Rander’s cock trying to punch through. She lurched forward, moaning against Arran’s shaft as Rander squeezed himself into her. It was a bittersweet mix of pain and pleasure that took the breath from her lungs and stilled her body. The abrupt piercing caused her to accidentally bite down on Arran.
Arran only flinched a little and then took her face, framing it with both hands, keeping her mouth in place. He went back to rotating his hips against her parted lips, into the warmth her mouth provided.
It didn’t seem to affect Arran much, but she could taste the salty warmth of his blood coating her tongue.
She was completely and utterly at the mercy of the three brothers. Over and over again they bounded into her slim body, manhandling her, using it to their delight. The second Rander’s cock impaled her anus completely, stretching her to her limits, she felt the surge of another climax approaching—even stronger than the first. Waves and waves of pain and pleasure rocked her body, assaulting her from every direction like the swells of an angry ocean crashing against her bliss.
They unlocked the primal need within her, the most basic instinct roaring to life. Her entire body trembled as their cocks shuddered explosively inside her. The warmth of Zurk’s seed forced her inner walls to contract rapidly around his shaft, squeezing him, milking him.
Rander’s release sent shivers down her spine, extending her orgasm around Zurk. They howled in a frenzy, frantically jerking and pawing at her body. Arran was the last to join his brothers in a primal call as his climax erupted against the back of Rain’s throat.
She gulped hard as his release, warm and tangy, spilled over her tongue. It was an instinctive reaction, and he was so deep there was no other option than to swallow.
Stealing a breath, Rain fell on Zurk, and Arran dipped down to kiss her. Rain’s overworked body went limp as the three brothers huddled close to her, lovingly pecking every part of her sweat-drenched body. Each one took their turns kissing Rain, claiming her supple lips before they collapsed against her in a heaving mass, holding her tight and cooing soothingly in her ear.
Her childhood friends had just become her lovers, and it frightened her. The pull to them had always been great, greater than she anticipated. Could they remain as lovers and still maintain a friendship—the bond they always had? Pushing that thought out of her brain, she closed her tired eyes and slept amongst the brothers, inwardly worried about her obligation to Colcu and what would happen if they were discovered.
Chapter 3
The dawn came much too early for Rain. As her large sky-blue eyes fluttered open, a dark figure loomed above her. Shading her eyes against the glare, she saw Colcu, the alpha wolf, standing tall above her. A breath caught in her throat. She was unable to suck in air and glanced frantically about. Her worst fears, her worst nightmares, were painfully realized.
Arran, Zurk, and Rander were bound at the wrists, their mouths gagged with thick ropes. Rain scrambled to her feet, but Colcu’s cold, malevolent stare seared a hole in her retinas. Rain stumbled back only to feel the vise-like grip of Colcu’s massive hand encircle her scrawny neck. He could easily crush her throat and tear the head from her shoulders. His menacing dark eyes took hold of her body, and she felt herself being thrown, sailing high into the air. She landed with a sickening crack on the ground, her spine contorting around a thick branch. Before she could discern what happened, Colcu was on her, his great weight pinning her limbs to the cool grass.
* * * *
Colcu had been humiliated by this woman, and he wanted to do the same to her. He had a deep desire to transform into wolf form and destroy the wench with his beast’s cock. It would be the most degrading thing he could think of, and by tribal law, he had that right.
The tears rolling down her apple-red cheeks brought a brief smile to Colcu’s stern visage. “You were supposed to be mine!”He growled. “And mine alone!”
She tried speaking, but he clasped her mouth shut, squeezing her lips together. He did not care to hear an elaborate apology or her begging pleas. Nothing could forgive this. Rain had ruined herself, soiled by the seed of lesser wolves.
He cinched her neck tightly, watching with satisfaction her wide eyes and face turning from red to a shade of purple. She weakly slapped at his broad chest in defiance, drawing a laugh from him. “Your fate,” he said flatly, “will be decided by the shaman.” He pulled her upright by her long blonde hair and shoved her toward the other underlings that bound her wrists and gagged her with heavy rope.
* * * *
The three brothers and Rain were dragged through the village, put on display, naked and bound for all to witness. It was done to bring shame to their families and to punish them for their insubordination. After they were slowly walked down the main thoroughfare, past all the gawking onlookers, they were roped to the elevated platform of the central courtyard. A mob had gathered. The whole village of Clear Water was in attendance, shock and awe etched on their faces.
Zurk, Rander, and Arran glanced at Rain periodically with sorrow and compassion. They feared for her judgment, knowing that Colcu was without sympathy. The alpha wolf was cold and calculating—vindictive and cunning. He seemed to enjoy dishing out punishment whene
ver the occasion presented itself. All of their lives were hanging by a thin thread.
The shaman strode to the dais in front of the four lawbreakers and raised a gnarled wooden staff. The villagers were chatting in low murmurs, but the staff demanded silence.
Yolta, the hawk-faced shaman, circled the four on the platform, Colcu standing off to the right watching the reactions of the crowd. With a crackly voice, Yolta spoke in the native dialect. “These sinners before you committed a grievous act and desecrated our virtues—what he holds to be true. They broke our most sacred and cherished laws for a selfish act of lust, self-indulgences.”
It was Colcu’s turn to speak, and he stepped forward. “This harlot of the forest,” he said boisterously, pointing an accusing finger at Rain, “willfully tainted herself with these three wolves. As you all know, Rain was promised to me last spring, but she has forsaken all customs. However, I will not act as judge or jury—her fate will be yours to decide.” He looked over the crowd, and Rain knew what decision he wanted. Colcu would settle for nothing less than death.
Yolta raised his staff in the air once again and stepped in close to Rain. The smell of sex was all over her. He gazed squarely into Rain’s light blue eyes and felt the heat emanating from between her thighs. Yolta grinned devilishly at the young woman as his arthritic stricken fingers rested at the sides of her tender folds.
Rain shut her eyes and accepted the evaluation from the elderly shaman. “She is guilty!” he shouted. “The woman is no longer a virgin. What say you, wolf clan?” He posed the question to the entire village.
The silence erupted into shouts of having her executed. The arguments and deliberations went on for nearly an hour. During that time Rain had chanced a quick glance to her mother, Tillia, and younger brother, Barak. Their heads were down, faces hidden, and both were sobbing, aware of what was to come. Her mother did not look her way once, not even a fleeting glance. It crumbled Rain’s heart.
Most of the younger clan women, Rain’s age, had called for her death. All of them were extremely jealous of Rain’s pure beauty and wanted her gone so they could take her place as Colcu’s mating partner. To carry the offspring of Colcu was a great honor, and their status among the pack would increase considerably.
In the end, the clan elder made the final decision. Rain was sentenced to be executed, and the three brothers were banished for twelve months.
One year!
It was definitely a man’s world, Rain believed at that precise moment. She was going to be put to death, yet it was the brothers that pursued her, the brothers that seduced her in the moonlight.
Rander, Zurk, and Arran did their best to protest the decision, but they were carted away kicking and screaming.
Typically an execution, performed rarely, was done mercifully with a heavy blade against the neck, taking the head with one swing. In all of her days she had only witnessed two such horrible events, and both times it had made her queasy.
The thick block of wood was placed in front of Rain, and she was lowered to her knees. Her neck was stretched over the rough grooves of the wood that had been nicked in times past. Rain gave her mother one last wan smile then closed her eyes waiting to be thrust into the afterlife, whatever it may bring.
A small portion of the gathering, including Tillia, pleaded for Rain’s life at the last moment. Her rants and cries went unnoticed as Colcu gathered the dual-edged battle ax.
* * * *
Colcu wanted her dead more than anything, but not like this—not so merciful. He wanted to cause the woman unbearable pain, to make her suffer like no other. The wide muscles of his back and arms flexed as he brought the heavy ax head back. She humiliated him in front of the entire pack. No one did that to Colcu. No one!
* * * *
Rain began to chant quietly for the forest goddess to accept her in the afterlife. Her ears buzzed with adrenaline, her heart thumping wildly in her chest as she heard the swish of the ax, swift and powerful. The blade cut deep into the block of wood, splintering off a sizable chunk, missing Rain’s neck by a hair.
For an instant she thought herself to be dead, yet she could breathe and feel the terror strumming down the length of her spine. Colcu yanked Rain to her feet and cut away the bindings of her wrists.
“I am a man that enjoys sport on certain occasions, Rain,” said Colcu with a wolf’s-head grin.
Although her head was still attached to her shoulders, she was frozen in place by pure fear.
“Run!” he growled. “I will give you five minutes.”
Tillia saw that her daughter was frozen, almost in shock, and scrambled to the podium. She shook Rain by the shoulders and shouted in her ear. “Be gone from here, child.” Tillia urged her forward by shoving her toward the wilds.
Suddenly aware of her predicament, Rain hugged Tillia tightly one last time, turned in that instant, and shifted into wolf form. It took only a few precious seconds, but she could sprint much faster as a wolf. Glancing back with her ears down and tail tucked, she wanted to see their faces because she knew it would be her last chance. With a long leap she disappeared into the darkness of the ancient forest.
“Run like never before,” Tillia whispered. “Run for your life.”
Chapter 4
Colcu slowly removed his tunic and dark leather breeches, inwardly preparing his body for the transformation. Naked, he dropped to all fours and looked toward the sky, his muscles bunching and quivering violently. His shift caused considerable pain due to his sheer size, the largest and most ferocious among the werewolves.
His nose elongated into a snout, and the mouth gaped open showing the length of his wickedly sharp fangs. But most impressive of all were his curved talons that were made for disemboweling, massive shoulders, and sturdy frame. He was every bit the size and weight of a lion, but all wolf, an immense wolf of legendary proportions.
Colcu dug his sharp claws into the ground, stretched his hind quarters, and took off like a dart.
The entire pack knew that Colcu would tear Rain to shreds when he found her. Colcu had the nose to track anything, especially a she-wolf that had just mated.
His plans were simple—run down the little harlot and tear the spine from her back, make her grovel and beg. He took great pleasure in watching the fear in one’s eyes just before death, and this would be no different.
His only dilemma was more of a carnal nature. Would he take his pleasures with the whore before he ended her miserable life? He wasn’t sure yet, but the thought was tantalizing.
His nostrils stumbled across Rain’s delicate scent. He could tell she was laboring hard, running as fast as she could. Colcu could tell by the heavy dose of perspiration that was stinging the sensitive receptors of his nose. Foolish girl, he thought. If only she had slowed her pace, not put off such overpowering body odor, she may have had a slim chance of escaping him.
Ripping through the forest floor, he knew he was gaining on the nimble little wolf. No one was as fast as Colcu. Just then he decided to have some fun with Rain before he feasted on her heart.
* * * *
Rain pushed herself to her limits, running headlong at a frantic pace. She knew it was futile to try against Colcu who could run down a deer, but this was her only chance at survival—gain distance and hope for a miracle.
She had been wrong to give in so easily to the three brothers, yet she could not help but wonder if her punishment fit the crime. The more she allowed herself the thought the more fuel it gave her to sprint ahead, to flee from Colcu and all of the hateful members of the pack.
Was it so terrible that she shared herself with three lifelong friends? The clan had shunned her making her life forfeit for one night—one night of pleasure.
Her mind in a whirlwind, it wandered aimlessly until she heard Colcu’s call. A powerful howl of warning that made her legs tremble.
He was close—too close.
* * * *
Thane Ragnirak was beginning to see the folly in his decision to cut
through the Daribu forest. He was lost without a clue or a mere hint of where to proceed next. The thick canopy above blotted out the sun, and all sense of direction was lost to him. He patted Wind Song between the ears, his gaze forward, pondering the narrow path that lay ahead. He was almost certain he had seen it before, but things were starting to run together.
Was he walking the poor horse in circles? A defeated laugh, condescending and dry, escaped his lips as he edged his stallion forward. “No worries, my friend. A mere setback is all. I will find a way out of this maze yet.” His soothing words failed to settle his own doubts. He continued down the eerily familiar trail, up a gentle hill and back down. He noted the width and height of the awesome trees, suspecting that some had to be a thousand years old. Wind Song huffed, snorted, and halted stubbornly.
“What is it, boy?” he asked, scanning in all directions.
His stallion snorted a response and pranced backward in protest of continuing. He knew Wind Song had a nose for trouble, and he tried settling the fickle beast with calming words. Further down the trail a flash of white fur skidded to an abrupt stop directly in front of him. The horse reared, but the ball of fur remained.
It was a wolf—a white wolf with magnificent blue eyes. They stared at each other, gawking, wolf and man for a few heartbeats, and then the animal scurried away. “Nothing at all to worry about,” he commented to Wind Song. “Only a lone wolf.”
Then something like crashing trees caught his full attention, and Thane drew his sword while scanning the area to his immediate right. Whatever it was it was huge. Seconds later a mountain of dark fur crashed forward, its coat black as a moonless night. Was it a bear? He asked himself. Maybe a panther perhaps?
Swinging from his saddle, he steadied his balance and waited for the approach of this monstrosity on four legs. Not more than twenty paces to his right he saw the lumbering beast, all of it. The animal was like nothing he had ever seen before. Its mass was that of a brown bear, which was a common sight in these forests, but this was no bear. Closer the creature came, the largest most intimidating wolf he ever encountered. It was one solid mass of muscle with glowing red orbs. He crouched into a defensive posture and waited for the beast’s move. If it charged, he would sweep low to cut away its legs or disembowel the thing.